Recognition of Prior Learning within Formal Adult Education in Denmark


This article published in the online journal PLAIO presents the results of a study conducted December 2009 to April 2010 on the recognition of learning within formal adult education in Denmark. The article focuses on the results that illustrate possibilities and limitations for the recognition of prior learning in the Danish adult educational system and on the results that might interest readers outside of a Danish educational context.

Om udgivelsen

Udgivelsesår: 2012

Opdragsgiver: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut (EVA)

Denne udgivelse er lavet som en del af EVA’s handlingsplan. Handlingsplanens projekter er besluttet af EVA’s bestyrelse på baggrund af dialog med bl.a. centrale aktører og praktikere samt drøftelser internt i EVA. Læs om hvordan vi arbejder med projekter inden for vores handlingsplan

Relateret indhold

Bjarke Tarpgaard Hartkopf
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